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Serological infectious diseases: a solution that meets a gap in the market

18 December 2018

An article by Jamie Laughlin, ‘Serological infectious diseases: a solution that meets a gap in the market’  has been published in the August 2018 edition of Pathology in Practice.  The article was written following the evaluation and implementation of the VirClia® Solution at St Georges Hospital in London and gives an overview of how the system benefits the laboratory, the workflow and the patient.


The Vircell VirClia® monotest solution for infectious disease serology includes an extensive range of assays for over 80 pathogens. The individual monotest strip contains ready to use reagents including a calibrator and a negative control to enable validation and interpretation for each individual sample and each test.

Due to the versatility of the VirClia® system, samples can be processed daily without the need to batch or refer them to outside laboratories, improving turn-around time and ultimately optimising patient management.

All assays are automatically processed on the VirClia® system with exclusive user-friendly VirClia® software offering the capability for custom set-up of test and sample combinations in each run.


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