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The leading supplier of diagnostic solutions and innovation

Featured Product

Coris O.K.N.V.I Resist-5

In vitro rapid diagnostic test for the detection of OXA-48, KPC, NDM, VIM and IMP carbapenemases in bacterial culture. O.K.N.V.I. RESIST-5 test is part of Coris BioConcept RESIST...

Featured Product

VirClia Lotus Chemiluminescence instrument from Vircell

The VirClia Lotus is a chemiluminescence instrument for Infectious Disease Serology. More than 95 VirClia Monotest assays are available. RANDOM ACCESS, CONTINUOUS LOADING VirClia®...

Featured Product

Fastidious Anaerobe Agar w/ Horse Blood (FAA-HB)

Fastidious Anaerobe Agar w/ Horse Blood (FAA-HB) is a plated medium used for the cultivation and antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) of anaerobic bacteria. This medium is...

Featured Product

BioCLIA 500 and BioCLIA 6500 for Autoimmunity testing

The BioCLIA instruments use antigen coated paramagnetic beads and chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA) technology to achieve fast results. Each reagent cartridge holds the...

Featured Product

Amplirun® - Molecular Controls

DNA/RNA Molecular Amplification Controls (Refer to table for full range) Amplirun Controls from Vircell are independent molecular external run controls with excellent lot-to-lot...

Featured Product

Bosphore Viral Meningitis Panel Kit v3

Real-time PCR assay compatible with a broad range of extraction and PCR instruments. Pathogens detected: HSV-1, HSV-2, VZV, Enterovirus, Parechovirus Number of Tubes: 2 Internal...

Featured Product

Dynex DS2 two plate ELISA instrument from Dynex Technologies

The DYNEX® DS2® open system offers sophisticated ELISA automation to address your laboratory need for timely and accurate results, while significantly increasing laboratory...

About Us

Launch Diagnostics, part of the Avacta group, provides pathology solutions encompassing high quality diagnostic reagents and instrumentation from world leading manufacturer’s to the Health Services of the United Kingdom, Belgium, Luxemburg, France through Launch Diagnostics SAS and to the Republic of Ireland through ACCUSAY Diagnostics.

Our Policies - Sustainability, Carbon Reduction, Modern Slavery

As part of our commitment to the principles of Sustainability encompassing Environment, Social and Economic Aspects, Launch Diagnostics has published a series of Policies and Plans which can be found here

Our Expertise

Launch is able to offer complete solutions to the pathology laboratory including instruments and associated servicing plus a range of assays from rapid tests, ELISAs through molecular multiplex.

Our Values

Our core values are Integrity, Quality, Teamwork and Commitment to customers.

  • We have strong ethics, our promise to our customers is very important and we ensure we deliver what is expected.
  • We pride ourselves in delivering the best quality products, support, and service.
  • We strongly believe people are key to the success of our business, encompassing customers, employees, and suppliers.

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